The Bay Area Anti-Repression Committee (ARC) is aware of at least 13 arrests by federal agents and US Marshals across the West Coast in the last few weeks. These arrests are directly related to protests surrounding the 2020 uprisings against white supremacy and police murders. There have … [Read more...]
ARC Update from the Jacob Blake Protests in the Bay Area
The Bay Area Anti Repression Committee (ARC) has joined with those who have taken to the streets to protest the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisonsin, and the subsequent murder of two BLM protesters by 17 year old white supremicist Kyle Rittenhouse. We stand in solidarity with those … [Read more...]
Don’t Get Got: A Community Self-Defense and Know Your Rights Training
Don't Get Got: A Community Self-Defense & Know Your Rights Training with the SF National Lawyers Guild & Bay Area Anti-Repression Committee. Tuesday August 4 2020 7-9pm RSVP Here To Get The Link: HTTPS://BIT.LY/32Q21Qo … [Read more...]
Solidarity With Portland Protesters
We stand in solidarity with the protesters that have been in the streets of Portland and around the country for over 60 days. We know the repression has been severe, violent, targeted and unrelenting. We are in awe of the courage, bravery, creativity, perseverance, and solidarity that have been … [Read more...]
Update on Status of Arrests and Bail: July 01 2020
Over the last few weeks we have been working to support everyone arrested during the George Floyd uprising. As the rebellion continues, we would like to take a moment to report back to our community about the work that we have been doing so that you can have a clearer picture of the current status … [Read more...]