This is a letter to all of us from from Jesus, who is currently Occupying Santa Rita Jail. Jesus was convicted on charges stemming from his arrest at a raid on OGP on December 30, 2011. He’ll be out on the morning of July 10, 2012. We should show him love and support, both now as a political prisoner, and in front of Santa Rita when he’s freed!
To Occupiers,
For all of those that have attended my court hearings and have stuck by me for the last 4 months, I thank you for your support. It means more to me than I can ever express. Soon though, we will reunite and again work together towards making a better tomorrow. On the day I write this, May 24th, I have 45 more days and then we can celebrate my return.
It is great to hear we are still standing strong. I hear rumors of Independence Day Actions I will barely miss. I am proud to hear we are still feeding communities rain or shine. I am empowered upon hearing actions taken against police who continue to kills people yet get away with it. And I am motivated when I hear 5,000 plus people took to the streets in Unity. This Unity is what is supposed to make up the United States of America.
When we stand together we can conquer all, but divided we shall fall. But our fight is just beginning as our problems continue losing $2billion trading our money and the man in charge is just allowed to step down and walk away.
Peace officers kill someone new each week with no attempts at holding them accountable with no attempts at holding them accountable. Schools continue to lose funding and now school days and tuition hikes. And companies continue to cut jobs.
The media tries to assure us things are getting better when in fact things are getting worse. To this I propose to the community a new plan of action to be included in our current agenda. One to create learning workshops to educate the public on what we as Occupiers stand for and problems that affect us all. They want to take our education away; we must education ourselves.
By this I mean holding events where people can be shown what is really going on right now, showing evidence that shows how it has been allowed to go on and then allow for open discussion and time to try and figure out a solution to the problem and how to implement it. We had a couple events like this at the start of Occupy Oakland as I remember watching the film Inside Job and others played on the steps of Oscar Grant Plaza. An example of a new idea would be reading from the book “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper, in specific, his chapter “Silent Weapons for Quiet wars,” which literally covers the 1% elite’s plan that we fare today.
My second pick would be “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” by Jack Herer, which is online for free read. Especially info on how Jack started his book. Knowledge is power and in this battle, our best weakon is in educated and understanding public against the elite’s use of massive resources.
I personally plan to assist with this once out, but first wanted the community’s support. I am the 1st petitioner but I need 2 more, and as I am currently incarcerated, I have a problem finding others, so this can begin before or by the time I get out.
To everyone, keep up the good fight. Can’t wait to see you soon. And write if you can, as I am willing to discuss anything on your mind.
In solidarity,
Cameron Rose, aka Jesus Marijuana