Eric, who is facing charges stemming from the counter demonstration against an alt-right/fascist rally in Berkeley on April 15, needs our support!
His court date is Thursday August 10 at 9am. Rene C. Davidson Courthouse (12th and Oak St in downtown Oakland) Dept 11.
Thus far, public call outs have not been made for court support because alt-right trolls have also shown up to harass Eric and his supporters. For supporters at court this has even meant risking getting their photo taken and their identity researched online, which increases the risk of being doxxed.
At this point, we believe that these risks are now a part of the nature of doing support for anti racist, anti fascist, feminist, and queer comrades dealing with state and right-wing vigilante repression. The Anti Repression Committee has always promoted the idea that repression is not something that we can avoid, but it is something we can be prepared for. With that in mind, we strongly encourage everyone in our movements to prepare for repression in the form of right-wing doxxing, but to not let this risk prevent us from showing up to support those who are baring the brunt of repression. While there are always many individuals who cannot and should not put themselves in vulnerable positions (just like some people cannot be on the front lines in street protests), we maintain that if enough of us show up with our bodies in the court room to support comrades like Eric, it will strengthen the very movement the right wing and the state is attempting to neutralize. This also continues to set a precedent that if any of us are under attack we will be supported by each other.
August 10 is Eric’s preliminary hearing and his case will be the only one heard in that court room. Therefore, if you can, please come and pack the room so there’s no space for the trolls and their cameras. But before you come to court, please check out this article to educate yourself on how doxxing works and what kind of personal information you can wipe clean from the internet about yourself -especially your home address, place of work, and contact information of you and your family.
Together we’re stronger! Let’s do this ya’ll!