Saturday the target is Walmart….we do it in solidarity with Ferguson…in solidarity with the Ohlone people disrupting business at Emeryville shopping center at the annual Shellmound protest…we do it in solidarity with #BlackoutBlackfriday disrupting the biggest shopping day in the U.S.KKK, and we do it in solidarity with Walmart workers striking across the country.Join us in informing shoppers about Walmart’s connection to funding police terror, the same terror that killed mike brown and let his murderer walk free.* John H Crawford, 22-year old Black man was killed in an Ohio Walmart in August, for being a customer looking at one of their BB guns for sale.
* Walmart’s sales of toy guns contribute to the desensitization and normalization of violence and terror, including that which we experience from the police
*Access to the toy guns is putting youth at risk of being shot and killed by pigs who can’t tell the difference between a toy and the real thing. How many children carrying toy gun have been killed by pigs? Rest with Angels, Andy Lopez and Tamir Rice!
*Walmart’s business plan has been shared and used by the Corrections Corporation of America, which is the biggest private prison company in the US.
*Walmart employs the most off duty police officers as security guards in the country.
*People getting arrested and pipelined into the prison industrial complex are not a majority violent criminals. They are people committing “crimes of poverty.” And Walmart contributes to creating and maintaining poverty:
Number 1 on the Fortune 500, with net sales of $473.1 billion, Walmart rakes in $16 billion a year in profits and steals more than $8 billion a year from taxpayers forced to subsidize food, healthcare and housing for Walmart workers struggling to get by. The taxes they do pay provide significant funding for local police repression forces.
*Walmart is the largest employer of African-Americans in the United States. About 19% of Walmart’s 1.4 million US workers are African-American. Unfortunately, Walmart jobs keep our communities in poverty—wages average just $8.81/hour. A full-time Walmart associate earns less than 70 percent of the 2013 federal poverty line for a family of four. At the same time, workers at Walmart struggle to get the hours they need to make ends meet. People of color are also underrepresented in management jobs at Walmart. Walmart’s low wages are not good for any workers, but minorities are disproportionately represented in low-paying positions. While people of color made up 37% of Walmart’s US workforce in 2012, only 27% of first and mid-level officials and managers were minorities.
*Walmart is a Job Killer in Our Communities. Walmart store openings destroy almost three local jobs for every two they create by reducing retail employment by an average of 2.7 percent in every county they enter.
*Six Walmart heirs own more than the bottom 40% of the country
Please support OurWalmart workers Black Friday, 11/28, protests at Walmart stores around the Bay area including the Oakland store at noon and the Richmond store at 9am. See link for more info:
This action is organized by Anti-Police Terrorism Project, a project of ONYX in coalition with CRT, Healthy Hoodz, Young Oakland, Workers World, Alan Blueford Center for Justice, and POOR Magazine/ Pensa Pobre.
GENERAL MEETINGS: Third Thursday of the Month, 7:00 PM, Eastside Arts Alliance. ”